Gift Aid

Gift Aid scheme is important to the parish. Last year we had a payment of over £6,000 from HMRC from our Gift Aid contributions, which is vital in helping maintain our parish. Gift Aid is available to all who pay tax as an incentive to generate some extra 25p from every £1 donations/offerings you make to the church. The form … Read More


We are in the process of completing a Parish Audit of all people involved in working with children and vulnerable groups within our parish. Anyone volunteering to work with children in the children’s liturgy, catechism class and youth club, SSVP members, Eucharistic ministers taking Holy Communion to the housebound all have a legal obligation to become and maintain membership of … Read More

Project Matthew 25:35

Demonstrating the importance of alms giving through the FOOD BANK. As a follow up to our 2015 Lenten Talk on believing in community, we seek to demonstrate, in this last week of Lent, a practical aspects of community building within our three churches of St Stephen’s and St Luan’s and St Mary’s. The plan is to ask every member of … Read More

Homeless Appeal

Our SSVP Conference and the manager of the Dundee Salvation Army hostel have agreed that the Homeless Appeal for cupasoups and warm clothing should now be discontinued for this year. The Salvation Army are very grateful for all the donations from our parishioners and say that the hostel has sufficient stocks to distribute to their homeless clients for the remaining … Read More

World Porridge Day

Everyone is invited to World Porridge Day in St. Stephen’s R.C. Primary School on Friday 11 October at 11.00 a.m.

Appeal for transport to Sunday Mass

Could anyone provide a lift to and from 11.00 a.m. Mass on Sundays for two parishioners living in Rattray, who are finding it difficult to attend? Anyone with two spare seats, please contact either Fr. Gregory or Roy Sweeney.

Bishop Augustine’s visit

Bishop Augustine Ukwuoma will be visiting the Dunkeld Diocese and St. Stephen’s Parish from 14 to 20 October and will speak on Mission in Africa.

Pastoral Visit

Pastoral Visit On Sunday 14th August 2016, Bishop Stephen Robson made a pastoral visit to the parish of St Stephen’s, Blairgowrie. Bishop Stephen and Fr Gregory celebrated Mass in St Luan’s, Alyth before arriving at St Stephen’s. Following the Mass in St Stephen’s the parishioners had prepared a warm welcome. Sacrament of Confirmation Congratulations to all who were Confirmed this … Read More

Mary’s Meals – Sponsored Bike Ride

Martyn Glenville-Sutherland and Ronnie Keast are cycling from Blairgowrie to Dalmally, the home of Mary’s Meals, on 23 and 24 August. They will ride for fun, but you can take the pain by sponsoring the via the Just Giving website:

Parish Ceilidh

To be held in Blairgowrie Town Hall on Friday, November 14th, between 7.30 p.m. and 10.30 p.m. Tickets for this fun, social event will be available soon. Please address any enquiries to Marilyn Galbally, on 874667.